severely affected area中文什么意思

发音:   用"severely affected area"造句
  • severely:    adv. 1.猛烈地;剧烈地。 2. ...
  • affected:    adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 ...
  • area:    n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空 ...
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  1. In response to the disaster , the president of costa rica traveled to the most severely affected areas and immediately declared a red alert and national emergency
  2. Some of the most severely affected areas were the lakhimpur district , located about 200km north of the state capital of lucknow , as well as a few other villages between 30 and 110km away from the city
    尤其是位于勒克瑙lucknow省会北方200公里处的雷英普区lakhimpur district灾情相当惨重,此外,距离勒克瑙市30到110公里处的一些村庄也严重受创。
  3. The experts on the panel have reached this alarming conclusion : human - accountable climate change will lead to more " freak " weather conditions such as cyclones , floods , and droughts ; massive displacement of populations in the most severely affected areas ; potentially enormous loss of human life ; greater risk of diseases such as malaria as the habitat for mosquitoes expands ; and extinction of species such as the bengal tiger , as their habitat is destroyed


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